Monday, June 8, 2009


Welcome to my Blog. "I am the Composter"--the Compositer. I Compose and I Post Your Compositons, i.e. Com-Post (Communicate and Post). Thus, I aim to Compost all kinds of stuff (post it, mull it with other posts, and "let it ferment" until it either rots or bursts forth like a the Phoenix into a New Idea!

This New Thing--beyond Facebook, beyond Email and IM, beyond one-way Op-Eds, Surveys and Opinion polls, beyond multi-way Chat sites, this is Blogging--Considerate, Intelligent, and Fun: about state-of-the-art Human Being.

I will post stuff I want the World to see, dealing with Politics, Philosophy and Psychology, Science and Technology, Art and Entertainment, Money and Lifestyle, Death and Taxes--whatever hits My fancy. And will post stuff You want the World to see in these broad categories. WE will post: Announcements, Events, Rants, Raves, Pithy Comments, Music, Poetry, Photos, Cartoons, Videos, Tweets, Monologs, Dialogs, short Essays and Arguments, etc.--concerning not only The Human Condition and Interaction, but also about New Ideas, and about the Universe at large. So We will try to Illuminate Ourselves, in the Spirit of Fun and/or Seriousness, as the Mood strikes Us.